Base ImFusion Suite is a visual computing software for medical image analysis focused on high-performance and versatility. As a standalone software, provides high-performance visualization and processing of 2D, 3D and 4D medical data sets paired with user-friendly and versatile interactions. With a particular focus on efficient implementations on both CPU and GPU, it features a broad variety of state-of-the-art algorithms including image reconstruction, registration, segmentation and machine learning. It can be enhanced and customized by adding a variety of modules tailored towards a broad range of medical questions. With our comprehensive, product-grade software development kit, you can develop custom applications and modules.
ImFusion Suite has been designed for engineers and researchers looking for a powerful toolbox of complex algorithms. It has not only been successfully applied in a number of academic publications both in-house and from other labs, but is also driving a growing number of medical products.
ImFusion Suite is currently not certified as a medical product, i.e. it has neither FDA approval nor does it bear a CE marking and must not be used for diagnostic purposes. For customers planning to use features of our software as part of their own medical product, we offer services for providing the necessary documentation for certification.
Have a look at the tutorials and feature videos to learn about a few of the exciting features which are available in the software.