The ImFusion SDK is a comprehensive software development kit built with C++17 and OpenGL 3.3+, offering full access to all its functionalities and algorithms.
Supports all major desktop platforms (Windows, Linux, macOS) and compilers (MSVC, gcc, clang). Support for embedded platforms (e.g., nVidia Jetson ARM) is available on request.
- Rich ecosystem of tools and features seamlessly integrating with each other
- Reduces the need for pulling in additional 3rd-party dependencies
- Full CMake support providing modern package config files for a plug & play experience
The SDK boasts a modular architecture with several core and specialized libraries:
- Lightweight core libraries providing platform abstractions, generic utilities, and helper classes for convenience
- Main ImFusionLib library offering dedicated data structures and infrastructure for medical image processing
- Plugin architecture with dozens of specialized modules implementing dedicated functionality
The ImFusion Suite application provides a rapid-prototyping front-end where you can develop and test algorithms interactively. During productization, you can use the same underlying code base and only need to exchange the front-end layer on top.
Extensive SDK documentation includes tutorials, an overview and explanation of general concepts, as well as a full API reference.

See our public github repository for example projects showcasing our C++ SDK.